Hello everyone! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ It's been a pretty rainy month for us here. But hey, summer is finally here.
Let's get right to it!
We have a few updates for the demo already added.
Added camera tips in the ? menu button.
Added two new edit parts ( Tops ).
Updated anti-aliasing.
Added new hair
Added new clothes
More updates are coming soon!
Such updates include another anti-aliasing update.
A new shader for a cleaner, more pleasing look.
We are also getting closer to our bigger goal of adding the voices. (*≧▽≦)
With this will also add a sample H scene to try out for the demo.
Look forward to the updates as they come and keep checking out our https://vanilla-glitch.itch.io/projectpet page to keep up on the latest ones.
That is all for now, Have a good one! (^▽^)